January 13, 2025
salmon swiming upstream (Photo by D. Saparow)

salmon swiming upstream750 1

Alaska Salmon: The Ultimate Guide To Alaska's Wild Salmon is about salmon, the largest fish in North America. This page covers all things related to wild salmon from how far and fast they travel to where they live to information about their diet, spawning seasons, and more.

Did you know that Alaska salmon go through an incredible journey before they end up on your dinner plate? These fish are born in fresh water, travel downstream towards the ocean, and make their way back to the place of their birth. It’s an amazing process that takes them from one extreme to the other!

The Life of an Alaska Salmon

Salmon are interesting creatures and their life cycle is nothing short of amazing. Adult salmon swim in the ocean for several years before starting their long journey back upriver to spawn. Upon reaching their spawning grounds, they re-adapt to fresh water and swim upstream to reach their young. After spawning, the salmon die within a week or two, but it’s all worth it because their offspring will carry on their legacy.

It’s truly fascinating how salmon can navigate up narrow rivers with miles of rapids and waterfalls—something that young salmon are able to do easily. Their determination is admirable and makes for an incredible life cycle!

Introduction to Alaska Salmon

Commercial processing Salmon 1
Photo by Dora Saparow

Commercial fishermen catch millions of pounds of Alaska salmon each year. The fish are sold fresh, frozen or canned. Salmon also support a large sport fishing industry.

Salmon are generally sexually mature at about three years old, and sometimes they will swim upstream to lay their eggs in order for the new baby fish, known as fry, to have a better chance of survival. After spawning, the salmon die and create nutrient-rich water for the fry. Within a week after spawning, they will have already hatched and be on their way.

Once they reach their home rivers and streams, the salmon revert to fresh water and stop feeding as they make their way upstream to the place where they were born. They live on their fat reserves during this time of migrating up river.They have a challenging upstream journey, and need to battle their way through rapids, over waterfalls and through fish ladders. They also need to avoid fisherman nets and hooks as well as hungry bears.

When they finally reach the streams where they were born, they’ve matured enough to be able to lay eggs. The female adult creates a gravel nest in the streambed by using her tail to sweep her side back and forth. This is referred to as a redd. She will lay her eggs in this redd, and the male salmon will fertilize and protect them until they both die within a couple of weeks. The eggs are then left to fend for themselves.

Types of Alaska Salmon

There are five species of Pacific salmon that can be found in the freshwaters of Alaska: King, Chum, Sockeye, Silver and Pink. While they may all look similar to the untrained eye, there are some physical characteristics that can help you positively identify them.

Adult males have one large anal fin and females have two smaller anal fins which meet at the base of its tail near the ventral surface along with a small dorsal fin located just behind its head on its caudal peduncle (a gill cover). Adult salmon with spots on their back or tail do not lose them when they return to freshwater; in fact, their spotting becomes more distinct. Two species of Pacific salmon do not have spots on their back or tail at all—the chum and the sockeye.

Salmon that have small spots on their back or tail are in very rare cases and in extremely isolated locations; they are probably just anomalies similar to the spotted sockeye. So if you’re ever unsure about what kind of salmon you’ve caught, release it back into the water unharmed and give it another go! You’ll be able to correctly identify it before too long.

Chum Salmon

The chum salmon is one of the five species of Pacific salmon that are native to the freshwaters of Alaska. They are easily identified by their white tip on the anal fin, deeply forked tail and large pupil. Chum salmon are great fighters, so they can be fun to catch in sport fishing. Spawning chums develop calico bands along their sides which make them easy to identify from other species of Pacific salmon that spawn at different times of the year.

Chum salmon are the brightest colored species of Pacific salmon in Alaska! Chum salmon reach a maximum size of about 30 pounds. They are harvested during the summer months of July and August.

Chum salmon have prominent vertical stripes, red & black down their sides, and hooked snouts with sharp teeth when they enter freshwater rivers in Alaska. Chum salmon are best eaten dried or in soups and chowders.

In the past, chum salmon were not commercially important. The development of a market has made chum salmon more commercially valuable. Chum salmon have been important to native people and their dogs for centuries.

Sockeye Salmon

Commercial processing Salmon3
Photo by Dora Saparow

The Sockeye Salmon is a type of Pacific salmon that lives in freshwaters of Alaska. It is the most valuable fish in Bristol Bay, Alaska. Spawning and ocean-phase Sockeye Salmon have a white mouth with a white gum line. The male sockeye develops pronounced shoulders and a large kype. Spawning Sockeye Salmon develop an intense red coloration on their body, while their head turns greenish as they age into the ocean phase of their life cycle.

Adults return to spawn between July and October. Sockeye Salmon is good both fresh and smoked, and it can make into lox.

Coho Salmon

Coho salmon are an important part of the Alaskan economy. They make up 75% of the catch in the U.S., and they are a popular sport fish in Alaska.

Coho salmon have orange-red flesh and fillets that are small enough for restaurant owners to use as menu items without additional prep work. Coho’s inside of the mouth is black, with the exception of a white gum-line which makes it easy to identify them from other species of salmon. The average size of coho salmon is between 8 and 12 pounds, with a peak month for fishing in July through November.

Chinook Salmon (King)

The Chinook salmon is one of the five species of Pacific salmon native to freshwaters in Alaska. It is also known as the King Salmon, and can weigh more than 40 pounds. The Chinook salmon has a black mouth with black gum-line, black spots on the back and both lobes of the tail, and a black spot on its tail only at one point; it’s not present on the lower lobe like Coho salmon are. Alaskan Kings have been spawning successfully in freshwaters for two centuries!

There are no distinguishing marks on an adult Chinook salmon other than the black lining on their mouth and spots on their tail fin. King Salmon is caught year-round in Alaska, but it’s best caught during the months of May, June, and July.

Pink Salmon

The average Pink Salmon adult weighs about 5 lbs. However, large individuals can reach 15 lbs. and up to 30 in. in length.

Pink Salmon are also called humpies because they develop a strongly hooked snout and sharp teeth and an enormous hump behind the head. They are typically found in Ketchikan streams between late June and mid-October when spawning takes place.

The humpy is by far the most abundant of all types of salmon in Alaska with annual commercial catches exceeding 140 million fish. The vast majority of commercially caught pink salmon is canned.

While most folks believe that Pink Salmon are not good for eating, an ocean caught pink or humpy is excellent when eaten promptly after being caught or, more commonly, smoked.

Pink Salmon migrate to freshwaters in Alaska every year and spawn. Adult males develop a hooked snout and sharp teeth, while females become olive green or light blue with a white belly. Adolescents living in the saltwater don’t have the hump feature and have steel blue backs, silver sides, and white bellies with distinctive oval spots on their back, adipose fin, both lobes of their tail, and the base of their caudal fin.

They have a shorter lifespan than other species and only live for about three years, but they spawn in freshwater multiple times before returning to saltwater to spawn for the last time.

PANO Valdez Bay fishing boats
Valdez Bay fishing boats (Photo by Dora Saparow)

The Salmon Life-Cycle

The eggs of a salmon are tiny, about the size of a pencil eraser. They are translucent, and you can see the eye and other organs developing through the egg’s shell during the 2-3 month period it takes for salmon to hatch.

Salmon eggs are born in gravel nests at the bottom of stream and river beds. These eggs are translucent and can be seen developing through the shell during the 2 to 3 month period it takes to hatch. The eggs are usually red to pink in color, although this may vary depending on the species of salmon.


Baby salmon, also known as alevin, are fascinating creatures. After hatching from their eggs, they will feed from the yolk sac until it is completely absorbed. The baby salmon escapes the egg’s soft shell retaining the yellowish-orange yolk as a nutrient-rich sac that hangs below its body. This helps keep them buoyant in the water and allows them to remain near the surface where they can breathe easily. When the salmon eggs are ready to hatch, they shed their shells and break free of them.


Fry are the first stage of a salmon’s life. They are born in fresh water and immediately start their journey downstream. Fry hide under rocks, among vegetation, and must find food to survive. They grow quickly and become juvenile salmon within a year.


When fry are ready, they are called Parr and are about six inches in length. At this point, they will start to feed on insects and other small organisms. Fry will continue to feed for 1 to 3 years before they venture out into the ocean. During this time, they will grow and develop vertical markings on the flanks of their bodies.


The juvenile salmon, or smolt, is a fascinating creature. Once it reaches the appropriate size, usually about 6 months old, it loses its vertical markings and turns silver in color. At this point, it will also adjust its body to saltwater for the journey out into the ocean – a process that takes about two weeks. Upon reaching the ocean, the salmon will become adults, growing into salmon with a silvery-green coloration.


Adult salmon spend 1 to 4 years in the ocean before returning to their original spawning grounds after a long and hazardous journey of over 2000 miles throughout the northern Pacific Ocean. There are five species of Alaska Salmon, each with unique markings and characteristics. After reaching their birth river and stream, adult salmon no longer eat and live off of what they stored in their body. As they swim upstream against challenging rapids, the salmon has to avoid fishermen nets and hooks while staying clear of hungry bears.

The challenge is a difficult one as the fish must also traverse fish ladders, leap over rocky waterfalls, and avoid fisherman hooks while swimming upstream against rugged rapids. Alaska salmon only exist in two places, and they’re both in the State of Alaska. They spend their lives migrating to a natal stream where they mature sexually before spawning.

Spawning Adult

When an adult salmon reaches its natal stream, it has reached sexual maturity. This fish will start fighting its way upstream against the rugged rapids and jump over waterfalls to get to its spawning grounds. The female salmon will make a gravel nest in the streambed, which is called a redd. She lays her eggs and male salmon fertilizes and protects them until both die off within two weeks of returning to their birth stream.

It’s quite obvious that Alaska salmon have interesting lives because they return after years at sea to their birth streams. The salmon management practices in Alaska ensure that populations are well protected. The environment helps protect salmon spawning grounds while fishing regulations allow for a large amount of salmon to make it to their natal streams. Salmon stocks are managed by the Department of Fish and Game, which currently has 15,000 rivers and streams with these fish.


Sustainability is a huge topic these days, and for good reason! We need to be mindful of our actions and the impact they have on the planet. There are many different ways to be sustainable, and one of them is through seafood.

Commercial Salmon fishing
Photo by Dora Saparow

Seafood is a great choice for sustainability because it’s a renewable resource. That means we can catch as much seafood as we want without harming the environment, as long as we do so responsibly. And that’s where Alaska comes in.

Alaska has some of the best-managed fisheries in the world, thanks to its strong conservation policies. The economy of Bristol Bay, in particular, is based largely on salmon production. In fact, salmon production has created 14,000 jobs in the region and generates $1.5 billion annually for the local economy.

So next time you’re looking for something sustainable to eat, try Alaska salmon. You’ll be doing your part to protect our planet while enjoying some of the best seafood around.

Fisherman with large salmon
Fisherman with large salmon

Fishing for Salmon

Alaska salmon fishing is a popular sport, and there are many ways to catch these fish. Some of the most popular methods include using a rod and reel, fly fishing, or using a net.

When it comes to fishing for Alaska salmon, there are a few things you need to know. The first is that these fish can be found near water sources- such as lakes, rivers, and streams. Secondly, they are considered a hard-fighting fish, so you’ll need to have some patience when trying to reel them in. Finally, make sure you have the proper gear and supplies before heading out on your next fishing trip.

In terms of tackle and gear, most fishermen recommend using sharp hooks that penetrate easily into the fish’s mouth. Additionally, using artificial lures that resemble eggs is often a successful tactic when fishing for salmon.

One of the most common ways to fish for salmon is by using bait. Roe (eggs) is a popular choice because it is easy to find and relatively cheap. Another option is to use spinners such as the Mepps Aglia on bright sunny days when the fish are less active.

Drift fishing is the most common method employed by anglers targeting these fish, and dawn and dusk are typically the best times to try your luck. Finally, it’s worth mentioning that a permit or stamp may be required in order to keep any salmon caught in the United States. For more information on permits and regulations, be sure to check with your state’s Department of Fish and Wildlife.

If you are fishing in an area that has its own record for the species of salmon you are trying to catch, then you may be able to break that record with the right technique and luck! All-tackle world records are tracked by the International Game and Fish Association, so make sure to check their website before your next fishing trip.

Now that you have some basic knowledge under your belt, go out and put it into practice. And remember-always stay safe while fishing by using the proper gear and following all local regulations.

How to Cook Alaska Salmon

salmon on a grill
Cooking salmon on a grill

The most popular methods for cooking salmon are grilling, baking, or pan frying.

Grilling: First, you need to preheat your grill to medium-high heat. While the grill is heating up, season your salmon fillets with salt and pepper. Once the grill is hot, place the salmon fillets on it and cook for about 4-5 minutes per side, or until they are cooked through. You can tell they’re done when they start to flake apart easily with a fork.

Baking: Preheat your oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit, and then coat a baking sheet with cooking spray. Place the salmon filets on the baking sheet, and then bake for about 20 minutes or until the salmon is cooked through.

Pan Fry: You can pan fry Alaska Salmon by heating up some oil in a skillet over medium heat. When the oil is hot, add the salmon fillets and cook for 3-4 minutes per side, or until they are cooked through.

Final Thoughts

Salmon is one of the most popular game fish in North America. Anglers pursue salmon with gusto because they are strong fighters, and they taste good on the table!

The Salmon’s Life Mission | Destination WILD

Watch on YouTube | Nat Geo WILD

Happy Trails,

Read more…

King Salmon, Alaska
King Salmon is a census-designated place (CDP) in Bristol Bay Borough in the U.S. state of Alaska. It is 284 miles (457 km) southwest of Anchorage. As

Coho salmon
by weight of the annual Alaska salmon harvest. The total North Pacific yields of the pink salmon, chum salmon and sockeye salmon are some 10–20 fold larger

Chinook salmon
depending on what the salmon have been feeding on. Chinook salmon are the largest of the Pacific salmon. In the Kenai River of Alaska, mature Chinook averaged

Alaska salmon fishery
The Alaska salmon fishery is a managed fishery that supports the annual harvest of five species of wild Pacific Salmon for commercial fishing, sport fishing

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